In our last conversation we talked about The Face of your Brand (insert link) and how a professional headshot can help you be recognized by your potential clients. Today we will take it a step further and talk about how it can set you apart from your competitors.

Let’s take a moment and look at this from a client’s perspective. You’re looking for a specialist to open an account with their company. You hope to do business with them for a long time so you’re looking for someone that is knowledgeable, competent, and an expert in their field and you’re willing to pay for it. You get to a website and you start looking around the site. Everything looks good and they have all the qualifications you’re looking for, some good reviews, and seem to be an established business. Then you click on their About Me profile and you see a dark grainy selfie and you can’t tell if it was taken in a church, a courthouse, or a bar. You click off the site and continue your search elsewhere.

Everything was going so well, what happened?

Regardless of their credentials you lost confidence in their professional abilities because they did not present themselves as a professional in a photograph. Did their credentials stay the same? Of course they did. It was your own perception of them that changed.

At Tulsa Headshots we believe that we can supply you with that essential link to set you apart from your competitors and add the finishing touch as you create your personalized and successful business profile.